Our commitment to continuous learning starts at home, with EnVisioning Our Future team days that enhance EnVision’s overall capabilities. Our clients see this commitment in every engagement as we focus on enhancing their results.
- Three Ways We’ve Used AI in Instructional Design Recently, clients and others in my network have been asking if EnVision uses AI—particularly ChatGPT-style tools—and in what way. AI, in some form, has been around for a while. If you access your device using facial recognition or you’ve taken Netflix’s suggestion for your next video, you’ve experienced AI. In the L&D world, AI can [...] »MORE
- Course Design—and My Housecleaner How My Housecleaner Demonstrated that We Can’t Deliver the Same Amount of Training Content in Less Time Have you ever hired a housecleaner? I am lucky enough to have one, and I’ve been very pleased with her work for many years now. I was recently thinking about how I got started with her when a client [...] »MORE
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