Client’s Business Need
The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) needs to ensure that professionals responding to a mass casualty incident (MCI) possess first-rate skills to assess the injured and help treat them. An MCI requires medical knowledge; quick, accurate decision-making; and a consistent process, all at the same time.

Our Learning Solution
EnVision partnered with BPHC’s education arm, The DelValle Institute, to create an interactive elearning course that engaged the professionals in medical triage with a simulated MCI. The MCI course is one of several learning solutions featuring simulations that were developed in a partnership between EnVision and The DelValle Institute.
The course was built around the START (Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment) algorithm as a model for triage. EnVision implemented this original concept of BPHC’s and built the mechanics of the course.
The course covers medical terms, the difference between routine and MCI triage, and how to conduct an organized search following an MCI. It illustrates concepts and medical tests with easy-to-understand graphics, and checks learners’ knowledge with quizzes, including a simulation with “patients” in which the learners evaluate and assign a triage category to each patient. Learners receive a score based on their accuracy and speed in making a triage decision.
Improved Employee Performance
Feedback from the course has been very positive. A manager from an ambulance service company shared the following:
“Everyone was pleased at the narration and evaluation tools used to ensure there was retention of the material. The best part about it was its simplicity yet clarity to effectively not overthink designation for a major event or MCI… I would like to make this program mandatory for all 610 uniformed EMTs, Paramedics, and dispatch operations staff.”
—Shift Commander/CFS Cataldo Ambulance Service