Client’s Business Need
Our client was in the midst of implementing a number of business process changes, such as new software applications, updated policies and procedures, and a new approach to client communication. Seeking to contain costs, they decided to leverage their subject matter experts to develop and deliver training. The client asked EnVision for an “SME primer” on instructional design that would address the SMEs’ need to apply the skills to their work and that would minimize time away from their jobs. The SMEs, our client shared, were not convinced they needed help. However, they did not know the basics of addressing a variety of learning styles, writing learning objectives, or identifying alternative approaches to delivering training.

Our Learning Solution
After interviewing SMEs who were part of the target audience, EnVision customized its Subject Matter Expert Mini-Conference and delivered it to two groups. The half-day mini-conference covered the following topics:
- Learning styles
- Design factors and considerations
- Learning objectives
- Tips for creating supporting documents and job aids
- Activity ideas
Improved Employee Performance
The client reported improved ability and confidence of SMEs as they prepared to roll out their respective business process changes. One of the SMEs designed a series of interactive webinar presentations.
EnVision offers a suite of services in support of the subject matter expert as trainer. In addition to the mini-conference, the suite includes:
- BRIDGE Solution® – supports content experts in Building Rapid Instructional Design Guided by EnVision’s experts
- Course Audit – a detailed audit and report based on EnVision’s proprietary 85-point checklist
- Creating Effective Learning Assessment workshop